6 Best Places And Things To Do in Val-Des-Sources, Canada

Val-des-Sources, Canada, is a beautiful destination with a variety of attractions and activities to offer. Located in the province of Quebec, this charming town provides a mix of natural wonders, cultural experiences, and outdoor adventures. Whether you’re seeking relaxation or seeking an adrenaline rush, Val-des-Sources has something for everyone. Here are some of the best places to visit and things to do in Val-des-Sources:

1. Camp Musical De Val-Des-Sources

Image Source: https://www.centreo3.com/en/music-camp

Camp Musical De Val-Des-Sources is a renowned music camp located in Val-des-Sources, Quebec, Canada. With its picturesque setting surrounded by nature, the camp offers a unique and immersive experience for aspiring musicians of all ages. Participants can engage in workshops, masterclasses, and performances, fostering their musical skills and passion in a supportive and inspiring environment.

2. Place de la Traversée

Image Source: https://cjan.media/inauguration-ce-samedi-de-la-place-de-la-traversee/

Place de la Traversée is a must-visit destination in Val-des-Sources, Canada. This charming square is known for its picturesque setting and vibrant atmosphere. Visitors can enjoy strolling along the tree-lined pathways, admiring the beautiful fountain, and relaxing in the outdoor seating areas. The square is also host to various events and festivals throughout the year, providing a lively and engaging experience for all.

3. Étang Burbank

Image Source: https://www.etangburbank.com/

Étang Burbank is a serene and idyllic pond located in Val-des-Sources, Canada. Surrounded by lush greenery and tranquil surroundings, it offers a peaceful escape for visitors. Nature lovers can enjoy bird-watching, picnicking, and leisurely walks along the trails that encircle the pond. The picturesque views and the abundance of wildlife make Étang Burbank a delightful spot to unwind and connect with nature.

4. Reine de la Patate

Image Source: https://lesters.ca/en/store-locator/la-reine-de-la-patate/

Reine de la Patate is a popular annual event in Val-des-Sources, Canada. Celebrating the region’s rich agricultural heritage, it is a potato-themed festival that offers a fun-filled experience for visitors of all ages. The event features live music, entertainment, local food vendors, and, of course, a variety of delicious potato-based dishes. With its lively atmosphere and flavorful offerings, Reine de la Patate is a must-visit for food enthusiasts and those looking to immerse themselves in the local culture.

5. Lac Denison

Image Source: https://www.chaletslocationsvacances.com/chalet-a-louer/au-murmure-du-lac-denison

Lac Denison is a stunning lake nestled in the heart of Val-des-Sources, Canada. Surrounded by lush forests and scenic landscapes, it provides a picturesque setting for outdoor enthusiasts. Visitors can indulge in a variety of activities such as swimming, kayaking, fishing, and picnicking along the lake’s shores. With its tranquil ambiance and natural beauty, Lac Denison offers a serene escape for those seeking a peaceful retreat in nature.

6. Moulin 7 – Microbrasserie / Pub & Boutique

Image Source: https://acheteavecgeorgette.ca/microbrasserie-moulin-7/

Moulin 7 – Microbrasserie / Pub & Boutique is a vibrant destination in Val-des-Sources, Canada. This establishment is a unique combination of a microbrewery, pub, and boutique. Visitors can enjoy a wide selection of craft beers brewed on-site, savor delicious pub-style cuisine, and browse through the boutique offering local products and souvenirs. With its lively atmosphere and diverse offerings, Moulin 7 is a must-visit for beer enthusiasts and those looking for a memorable dining and shopping experience.